Press releases

Walne Zgromadzenie Mercator Medical uchwaliło skup akcji własnych o charakterze dywidendowym po 100 zł za sztukę

Zarząd Mercator Medical, producenta rękawic jednorazowych i dystrybutora materiałów medycznych jednorazowego użytku, może przeprowadzić skup akcji własnych o wartości do 15 mln zł i cenie za walor ustalonej na 100 zł. Umorzone ma zostać dodatkowo 352,6 tys. a…

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Konferencja Grupy Mercator Medical po pierwszej…

Zapraszamy na spotkanie z przedstawicielami Mercator Medical S.A., dotyczące osiąganych wyników finansowych oraz sytuac…

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About us

Mercator Medical Group

The Mercator Medical Group is a manufacturer of medical gloves and a distributor of single-use medical materials. As a manufacturer it sells to over 70 countries worldwide, and as a distributor it operates in the markets of Europe.


We have been developing our
products since 1996


Our products fit perfectly on the hands


We are constantly developing and improving our products


We manufacture from recycled materials

The company consists of the Polish parent company Mercator Medical S.A. and its subsidiaries, the most important of which include: Mercator Medical TOB in Ukraine, Mercator Medical s.r.l. in Romania, Mercator Medical s.r.o in the Czech Republic and Mercator Medical (Thailand) Ltd. in Thailand, as well as Mercator Medical S.A. branches in Hungary, Italy and the United States.

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